Aggressive Periodontitis

Aggressive periodontitis generally affects systemically healthy individuals less than 30 years old, although patients may be older. Aggressive periodontitis may be universally distinguished from chronic periodontitis by the age of onset, the rapid rate of disease progression, the nature and composition of the associated subgingival microflora, alterations in the host’s immune response, and a familial

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Trigeminal Neuralgia

The trigeminal neuralgia is also called as Tic doulouroux, Trifacial neuralgia or Fothergill’s disease. Severe pain occuring along the course of nerve. Etiology : Based on etiology it is idiopathic or secondary. Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia : Dental pathosis leads to involvement of trigeminal neuralgia. Secondary to extensive traction on various divisions of fifth nerve being

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Pulp Diseases

Classification of pulp disease : 1. Pulpitis (Inflammation) : Pulpitis is an inflammation of the tooth pulp, the soft inner tissue of your teeth. A. Reversible Dental pulpitis : Pulpitis is reversible if you identify it early. Your dentist will treat the cause and expect the symptoms to resolve. 1. Symptomatic (acute). The main sign

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Leukoplakia is a white patch in the mouth. Leukoplakia is a condition in which thick, white or grayish patches form usually inside the mouth. Etiology of Leukoplakia : The common predisposing factors of leukoplakia are: 1.Tobacco: It is used by large number of people in various forms such as smoking of cigarette. Cigar, biddies and

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Angina Pectoris

The angina pectoris is a symptom complex caused by transient myocardial ischaemia and constitutes a clinical syndrome rather than a disease. Types 1. Nocturnal. 2. Unstable 3. Prinzmetal’s 4. Intractable. Causes : i. Athrosclerosis ii. Aortic stenosis iii. Hypoxemia. Clinical Features : a. The most important feature is chest pain on exertion and pain subsides

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