Teeth Pain and Treatment

symptoms of tooth decay

Treatment Of Tooth Decay:



It is the physiologic wearing away of teeth because of tooth to tooth contact, as in mastication. It plays an important physiological role as it helps to maintain an advantageous crown-root ratio and gains intercoronal space of 1 cm, which facilitates third molar eruption. TYPES -Physiological attrition-attrition which occurs due to normal aging process, due […]

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Stomatitis is the inflammation of mouth and is caused by bacterial, viral and fungal infections in persons with poor oral hygiene or in blood dyscrasias Causes of Stomatitis : a. Local Causes: Poor oral hygiene, excessive use of tobacco, alcohol and spices, use of broad spectrum antibiotics and drugs such as iodine or gold. b.

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Shock is defined as an acute clinical syndrome characterized by hypo perfusion and severe dysfunction of vital organs. Classification of Shock : 1. Hypovolemia shock 2. Cardiogenic shock 3. Distributive shock 4. Obstructive shock 1. Hypovolemia shock : Causes : 1. Loss of extracellular fluid: a. Deviation of normal exchange pattern: As in vomiting, diarrhea,

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An oral infection may originate in the dental pulp and extend through the root canals and into the periapical tissues, or it may originate in the super- ficial periodontal tissues and subsequently disperse through the spongy bone. Afterwards, it may per- forate the outer cortical bone and spread in various tissue spaces or discharge onto

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Periapical Abscess

PERIAPICAL ABSCESS : (Dento-alveolar abscess, Alveolar abscess) The periapical abscess in an acute or chronic suppurative process of the dental periapical region. It may develop either from acute periapical periodontitis or more commonly from a periapical granuloma. Acute exacerbation of a chronic peri- apical lesion is also called a Phoenix abscess. It usually arises as

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