
Painless Root Canal Treatment

When your teeth are decaying or getting injury , severe tooth pain, cold and hot sensitivity, swelling, inability to chew, etc. can start. For this, we provide painless RCT treatment when the condition is appropriate so that your same tooth “Without Removing” gets ready to chew without any pain, swelling, sensitivity.

Dental Bridgework

We offer the treatment of dental crown, which is the definitive solution for missing or damaged teeth, it is very useful when one or more teeth are absent. We provide ceramic and metal caps.

Bad breath

Bad breath is also a major problem that we can solve completely by painlessly cleaning teeth, bad breath may be due to poor dental hygiene, dehydration or eating some foods recently.

Tooth Replacement / Artificial Teeth

This treatment is needed to replace absent teeth with artificial teeth. Artificial teeth are painlessly applied in place of missing teeth to comfortably chewing food, and can be used in place of one, many, or all of your teeth, and fit perfectly on the gums. 

Painless Treatment

We provide proper pain-free treatment for non mouth opening, toothache, gum pain, wisdom teeth pain etc.

Gingival Inflammation

When the bacteria in mouth infect the space between teeth and gums, gums start to swell, bleed and smell begins in the mouth. We provide the needful treatment to completely resolve the problem.

Wedding Dental Care

Marriage day is the most important day in the life of a bride and groom. A perfect, healthy smile is a key component that leaves a lasting impression in the memories of the bride, groom and their guests. For this we provide necessary treatment.

Removable teeth

It is for those patients who want to get teeth in their mouth but cannot get fix teeth due to lack of strong teeth around or due to weak teeth, it is fully chewable and beautiful and  also appears like natural teeth.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a group of multiple dental caps that fills a space where one or more teeth are missing. Dental bridge restores your bite and chewing activity and helps maintain the natural shape of your face.

Multi Unit Bridges

A dental bridge is artificial teeth that is fitted on teeth with grips on both sides of the gap. Usually they are made of metal ceramic that looks like your natural teeth and help in chewing.

Ceramic Crowns

We offer ceramic crown in our treatment which is more aesthetic. The ceramic crown is used to apply beautiful and natural looking front and back teeth.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding and swelling of the gums is a common gum disease, we offer to solve this problem with painless treatment.

दांतों में फीलिंग दांतों में कीड़ा लगना फिक्स दांत दाढ़ दांत की दवाई दांतों के दर्द की दवा बताएं मसूड़ों में सूजन और दर्द की दवा दाढ़ दुखने की दवा बताओ गुटखे के दांत साफ़ करना दंत चिकित्सक मेरे पास दंत चिकित्सक दंत चिकित्सक सामग्री दांत जमाना दांत टोपी