Intracanal Medicaments

Intracanal medicaments are the materials which are used for disinfection of root canal.

Classification :

I. From practical point of view intracanal medicaments are considered into two class-

1. Used as irrigating solution during mechanical instrumentation.

2. Agent used as root canal dressing.

II. Root canal dressings – Classified into three groups.

1. Physical-diathermy, UV rays, LASER.

2. Chemical – Topical intracanal medicament.

3. Combination of both-Electrolytic medicaments and Electrosterilization.

III a. Non-specific – Eugenol, camphorated monochlorophenol, pharmocresol Glutaraldehyde, cresitin

b. Specific-Antibiotics.


c. Combination of specific and non-specific:
Sulfathiazole + camphorated monochlorophenol (CMCP).

– Penicillin + CMCP.

IV. Divided in specific classes:

1. Essential Oils: Eugenol, clove oil.

2. Phenolic compounds-Formocresol.
Cresetin. CMCP.

3. Salts of heavy metals like Silver nitrate, mercurial chrome.

4. Halogen group – Sodium hypochlorite, chloramine-T.

5. Quarternary ammonium compound-Cetavlon, zaphrin. 6. Ca(OH),.

7. N₂

8. Sulfonamide.

9. Antibiotic.

Ideal Requirements of Intracanal Medicament :

1. It should be effective germicide and fungicide.

2. It should be non-irritating to periapical tissues.

3. It should remain stable in solution.

4. It should have prolong antibiotic effect.

5. It should be capable of penetrating the dentinal tubules and accessory root canal.

6. It should be active in protein derivative of tissue.

7. It should not interfere with repair of peri apical tissue.

8. It should not stain the tooth structure.

9. It should be easily penetrated in root canal.

10. It should be easily neutralized or being inactivated in culture media.

11. It should not have foul odour.

12. It should be economical.

13. It should not induce a cell mediated immune reaction.

Specific Intracanal Medicament :

1. Fungicide, antibiotics, sulfonamides etc. are examples of specific intracanal medicament.

2. Intracanal medicament are used for disinfection of root canal.

3. Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by living micro organism and are capable of destroying or inhibiting growth of other micro organism.

4. These intracanal medicament fulfill many ideal requisites like

– They are active in tissue fluid.

-They don’t stain the tooth structure.

-They are non-irritating to tissues so can be used in high concentration.

-Very effective in minute concentration also.

5. No single antibiotic is effective against all the micro- organism in root canal. So a combination is used (poly antibiotics).

6. Antibiotic act on cell wall of micro-organism and disrupt the enzymatic system of micro-organism.

7. Eg, of poly antibiotics-
– PBSC paste
-PBSN paste
-NBPN paste.

These medicaments are used because

1. Removal of irritants to control periapical irrigation.

2. Disinfection or control of infection by decrease in micro organism.

3. Disolution of organic material and inorganic material.