Teeth pain and Patient Fear


Teeth pain and Patient Fear

Many patients have seen that they have fear to go to the dentist if they have teeth pain. Because patient thinks in his mind that he might have got some major illness Which he tries to keep hidden for a long time because of patient fear,

And patient take medicines on their own for teeth pain control, so that problem continues to grow or think in his mind that if they go to the dentist with a teeth pain, he will remove the teeth, which will cause a lot of swelling and a lot of teeth pain that increases patient fear. But this is not true.

tooth pain and patient fear
tooth pain and patient fear

Patient having teeth pain should contact a Dentist :-

The correct way to do this is that any patient who has a teeth pain should contact a dentist not to fear. In doing so the dentist properly inspects the teeth and gums of the patient and can also perform X-rays if needed.
If the pain has started due to decay in the patient’s teeth and the patient has not wasted time and directly went to the dentist without patient fear so dentist will first do an X-ray of the teeth and if the condition on the teeth in the x-ray is good, then the dentist can suggest root canal treatment.

tooth pain and patient fear
tooth pain and patient fear

Root canal treatment for teeth pain :-

Root canal treatment is the treatment in which all the infected tissues are cleaned by cleaning the infected roots of the teeth and if the pus remains under the root of the tooth, it is also removed, thereby eliminating the infection in the teeth and the pain stops. This procedure is usually Painless and patient fear is useless .

tooth pain and patient fear
Root canal treatment for teeth pain

Patient should take Dentist Opinion :- 

In the case of severe teeth pain, the patient should not think that there is a severe pain in his teeth, So his tooth will have to be removed that increase patient fear. Teeth will come out or not, Depends on how old her teeth decay is and the condition appears in the X-ray.

If the position of the teeth roots and surrounding structures in X-ray is good, then its teeth can be saved without any pain.
And the same teeth is made for chewing without any pain after completion of treatment.

tooth pain and patient fear
RCT for teeth pain and patient fear

In case of excessive teeth pain & gum infection :-

If teeth decay has increased excessively, which cannot be saved by root canal treatment, So by prescribing patient a few days of medicine, the infection of that teeth is controlled and then teeth is removed without any pain so no need to patient fear .

If teeth pain occurs due to any infection of the gum, then provide teeth or gum cleaning or other treatment. This problem is also solved and this treatment is also done painlessly without any patient fear .

tooth pain and patient fear
teeth pain and patient fear

If there is any teeth pain or gum pain . The patient should not have any doubt in his mind or should not have patient fear .

He should contact the dentist directly. Instead, he should not take medicines by itself. If he gets treatment from the dentist at the right time, then his problem can be solved with the same painlessly.